1 min read

Can you get herpes without contact?

Herpes is typically transmitted through direct contact with an infected person’s skin or body fluids, such as saliva, semen, vaginal secretions, or the liquid inside herpes sores or blisters. As such, it is not possible to contract herpes without some form of contact with an infected person or their bodily fluids.

It’s important to note that herpes can be transmitted even with no visible symptoms or sores. The virus can be shed from the skin or mucous membranes without causing any noticeable signs of infection. This means that it is still possible to contract herpes even if a person does not have visible sores or symptoms.

The most common ways that herpes is transmitted are through sexual contacts, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex, and close personal connection, such as kissing or sharing personal items like towels or razors. However, the virus can also be transmitted through non-sexual contacts, such as hands or fingers, or from a mother to her baby during childbirth.

To reduce the risk of contracting herpes, it’s essential to practice safe sex, use condoms or dental dams during sexual activity, avoid sexual contact during an active outbreak of herpes, and avoid sharing personal items with people with herpes. If you suspect you may have been exposed to herpes, you must talk to a healthcare provider about getting tested and treated as soon as possible.